Snakes are gross.  I know there will be snake-hater-haters, but I really do hate snakes and if you like them then you're also gross.

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Snakes are committing a ton of crimes these days.  We need an expert in SnakeLaw to prosecute these snakes... LYNN!

Now they can commit arson?!? . Thanks a lot snakes.

Criminal trespass! Why am I only hearing of this from an Australian news source?

Stop with the pet apex predators! When a cat goes missing it doesn't endanger people!

Duh, run it over. Done, snake-problem solved!

Duh, roll up your window and run her over. Snake-lady-problem solved!

Riiiight. Snakes are known for having empathy and making connections with other organisms.

And those are just the reported cases. That excludes non-deadly bites and cases that go unreported due to pressure from the snake industrial complex. 

Those backstabbing squamate ophidic B-holes

I hope that moody kid holding the snake reads SnakeNews.  If I can change just one child's life it will all be worth it.

Et tu Target?  Gross.  what other food did it touch...

I hate this. Snakes are literally the worst.

Just move... and incinerate the house please.

I feel for the "stressed out neighbor next door" but seriously, burn it down or move.

Breaking SnakeNews: Jay attacked! Not to be all I told you so about snakes, but... I did. Repeatedly.

 Instagram @the reptilezoo @jayprehistoricpets

Never use a first floor bathroom in a place that doesn't have winters.

Oh, that sounds amazing right now. One first class ticket to Tokyo please... ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW TOKYO? Get a life!

Best to read this one near anything that can be used as a vomit receptacle

Worst phrase ever: pillow cases full of snakes.  

Yelp review of Snake Guy: zero stars

Did he learn nothing from this site?

Come on Australia!  Stop with the snakes already.  

Quote from AP article "fighting over a mate".  Just burn that house down. It's a snake breeding den.

Why cant you be more like  New Zealand? Snakes are ILLEGAL there.

All these new snake species in less than a fortnight?  End Days.

*groans* Greaaaat. Just what we need!

Now I can hate this snake for 2 reasons. #HarryPotterSucks