Snakes are gross. I know there will be snake-hater-haters, but I really do hate snakes and if you like them then you're also gross.
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I like to think that these snakes were sent to SnakeJail
Snakes are committing a ton of crimes these days. We need an expert in SnakeLaw to prosecute these snakes... LYNN!
Now they can commit arson?!? . Thanks a lot snakes.
Criminal trespass! Why am I only hearing of this from an Australian news source?
Destruction of property? Zero respect for others.
Charles Barkley, we get it.
SnakeHouses are REAL, people!
Stop with the pet apex predators! When a cat goes missing it doesn't endanger people!
Duh, run it over. Done, snake-problem solved!
Duh, roll up your window and run her over. Snake-lady-problem solved!
I agree, Bob. Snakes are the worst.
Riiiight. Snakes are known for having empathy and making connections with other organisms.
And those are just the reported cases. That excludes non-deadly bites and cases that go unreported due to pressure from the snake industrial complex.
Those backstabbing squamate ophidic B-holes
I hope that moody kid holding the snake reads SnakeNews. If I can change just one child's life it will all be worth it.
Et tu Target? Gross. what other food did it touch...
I hate this. Snakes are literally the worst.
Seeing it move around inside the vacuum... barf.
Just move... and incinerate the house please.
I feel for the "stressed out neighbor next door" but seriously, burn it down or move.
Breaking SnakeNews: Jay attacked! Not to be all I told you so about snakes, but... I did. Repeatedly.
Instagram @the reptilezoo @jayprehistoricpets
Never use a first floor bathroom in a place that doesn't have winters.
Good looking out
You sound crazy. Snakes are stupid.
Subterfuge failed. No matter how many friendly emojis it can grow on its skin I still hate it
100 eggs. One. Hundred. Snake. Eggs.
You either have to crash your car and try to get out before it explodes or drive until you hit Antarctica
How droll. Bless your heart.
Free Britney from snakes.
Oh, that sounds amazing right now. One first class ticket to Tokyo please... ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW TOKYO? Get a life!
Best to read this one near anything that can be used as a vomit receptacle
That's not great...
Respect. He fought the good fight.
Dear Tesla: AutomotiveSnakeLab. You're overlooking a lucrative opportunity. That guy gets it.
AutomotiveSnakeLab, ingenious. Also who gave this guy uranium?
Great work, guys. I have a potential addition to your team who has his own AutomotiveSnakeLab (see above)
Oh, it's stunning *EYEROLL*
Mammals unite!
A truly great ape. And also, what have you done about snakes lately?
This guy is doing his part. He gets it.
Good job Florida. Australia could learn a thing or two from you.
They've organized and attempted a coup.
I'm getting a real Planet of the Apes vibe from these snakes.
Why are there so many motherlovin snakes in motherlovin cars?
Worst phrase ever: pillow cases full of snakes.
Yelp review of Snake Guy: zero stars
Did he learn nothing from this site?
Snakes give zero cares.
Ooooh, relaxing! Luxurious! Are you high!?!
Regular snakes weren't bad enough?
Worst phrase ever: snake orgy
This is the End Days. All those bible folk can finally get raptured.
Get it together AUSTRALIA!
Come on Australia! Stop with the snakes already.
Quote from AP article "fighting over a mate". Just burn that house down. It's a snake breeding den.
Why cant you be more like New Zealand? Snakes are ILLEGAL there.
Trust me. This is SnakeNews. CTRL-F snake
Florida, you're starting to grow on me.
Thanks snakes, for launching a global pandemic.
All these new snake species in less than a fortnight? End Days.
*groans* Greaaaat. Just what we need!
Now I can hate this snake for 2 reasons. #HarryPotterSucks
Sydney, have you noticed what Florida is doing?
Why are people being so careless with SNAKES!
They look even grosser when baked.
I agree with Lt Mathews and those snakes need to stop hating first responders. Read the article.
This looks like witch news, but CTRL-F "Serpentessa". Apologies in advance.
Oh how nice... NOT! Not jokes are still cool.
Snakes should not fly.
Thank you for taking action, Florida.